Please find all Applications under the top menu item "Membership and Registration Information"

Please note there are two registrations round per year with submissions due by 15 March and 15 August each year. The Registration application forms will be made available in advance of each registration round.


Full Member

$110 annually - Needs to be signed by 2 members of NSNZ

Student Member

Only if currently a student - $50 annually. Needs to be signed by a supporting student supervisor


Use if applying for associate registration - $50 annually. Needs to be signed by a full NSNZ member


You must be a Nutrition Society member to have access to the Registration Forms. If you do not have access please fill in the application form to apply for membership.

Registration Application for Associate Registered Nutritionist

Fees: $70 application fee first time applying and $40 registration fee (so first is $110 ) 

You must be a member.

Please have the following available when completing the registration form.

  1. Permission slip downloaded, from here completed and signed.
  2. Photo
  3. Qualification

Registration Application for Registered Nutritionist

Fees: $90 application fee plus $75 registration fee (annually $75+ $110membership)

  1. Referee reports
  2. Permission slip downloaded, from here completed and signed.
  3. Supervision report (if working in Practice field)

Re-Registration Application for Registered Nutritionist

Fee: no cost to apply for reregistration. Just continuing annual $75 regn + membership $110

  1. Permission slip downloaded, from here completed and signed.
  2. Supervision report (if working in Practice field)